EXIOBASE is a global, detailed Multi-Regional Environmentally Extended Supply-Use Table (MR-SUT) and Input-Output Table (MR-IOT). It was developed by harmonizing and detailing supply-use tables for a large number of countries, estimating emissions and resource extractions by industry. Subsequently the country supply-use tables were linked via trade creating an MR-SUT and producing MR-IOTs from this. The MR-IOT that can be used for the analysis of the environmental impacts associated with the final consumption of product groups.
EXIOBASE was developed by a consortium of several research institutes in projects financed by the European research framework programs. Three versions of EXIOBASE are available.
EXIOBASE version 3
This version comes in two forms: monetary and hybrid. The monetary form of exiobase 3 has the usual structure with monetary supply-use tables with physical extensions. The monetary supply-use tables were originally available for the years 1995 - 2011, with various nowcasts to extend the data to 2020 (and beyond). A range of updates have been produced. More details are available on the respective download pages on Zenodo: https://zenodo.org/record/5589597
The monetary tables have the following characteristics:
- 44 countries, 5 Rest of World regions
- 200 products
- 163 industries
- 3 employment skill levels per gender
- 417 emission categories
- 662 material and resources categories
The hybrid tables were derived from the monetary tables, and estimated in mixed units for the year 2011.
More information and support
More information and support including applicable licence information is available on the download pages on Zenodo: https://zenodo.org/record/5589597
How to download
Data updates are now housed on Zenodo: https://zenodo.org/record/5589597
Older Versions:
EXIOBASE version 1
This version covers the year 2000. It has the following characteristics:
- 43 countries, 1 Rest of World region
- 200 products
- 163 industries
- 15 land use types Employment per three skill levels
- 48 types of raw materials
- 172 types of water uses
EXIOBASE version 2
This version covers the year 2007. It has the following characteristics:
- 43 countries, 5 Rest of World regions
- 200 products
- 163 industries
- 15 land use types
- Employment per three skill levels
- 48 types of raw materials
- 172 types of water uses
Referring to EXIOBASE
When using/referring to EXIOBASE, please refer to the following publications.
EXIOBASE version 1
Tukker, A., A. de Koning, R. Wood, T. Hawkins, S. Lutter, J. Acosta, J.M. Rueda Cantuche, M. Bouwmeester, J. Oosterhaven, T. Drosdowski, J. Kuenen (2013) EXIOPOL - Development and illustrative analyses of a detailed global mr ee sut/iot. Economic Systems Research, 25(1)50-70. doi: 10.1080/09535314.2012.761952
EXIOBASE version 2
Wood, R., K. Stadler, T. Bulavskaya, S. Lutter, S. Giljum, A. de Koning, J. Kuenen, H. Schütz, J. Acosta-Fernández, A. Usubiaga, M. Simas, O. Ivanova, J. Weinzettel, J.H. Schmidt, S. Merciai, A. Tukker (2015) Global sustainability accounting-developing EXIOBASE for multi-regional footprint analysis. Sustainability, 7(1)138-163. doi: 10.3390/su7010138
EXIOBASE version 3 monetary
Stadler K, R. Wood, T. Bulavskaya, C.J. Sodersten, M. Simas, S. Schmidt, A. Usubiaga, J. Acosta-Fernandez, J. Kuenen, M. Bruckner, S. Giljum, S. Lutter, S. Merciai, J.H. Schmidt, M.C. Theurl, C. Plutzar, T. Kastner, M. Eisenmenger, K. Erb, A. de Koning, A. Tukker (2018) EXIOBASE 3: Developing a Time Series of Detailed Environmentally Extended Multi-Regional Input-Output Tables, Journal of Industrial Ecology 22(3)502-515. doi: 10.1111/jiec.12715
EXIOBASE version 3 hybrid
Merciai, S. and J. Schmidt (2016) Physical/Hybrid Supply and Use Tables. Methodological Report. EU FP7 DESIRE Project. http://fp7desire.eu/documents/category/3-public-deliverables
Merciai, S. and J. Schmidt (2018) Methodology for the Construction of Global Multi-Regional Hybrid Supply and Use Tables for the EXIOBASE v3 Database. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 22(3)516-531. doi:10.1111/jiec.12713